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Poor G9 results at Mumena ‘A’ worries leaders

A Civic Leader in Kalumbila district in Mumena is saddened by reports of 38 pupils who failed Grade Nine Examinations for 2021 at Mumena ‘A’ Secondary School.

Former Councillor for Mumena Ward Pearson Musele said it is disheartening to learn that in this era schools could fail to produce one child to ascend to the next level of education.

“It is shameful to the school management and the community to record such a bad result in the 21st century when the world is going through an E-system,” he said.

Mr Musele said that parents and school management should quickly find the root cause that had led to the failure of the children to make it to grade ten.

“My appeal to my fellow parents is that lets encourage our children to distillate on school activities than involving them in activities such as farming other activities, and the teacher go back to your drawing board to find what had caused the failure and other contributing factors to fail,” he said.

He said that even parents who had children who wrote the examination from other schools and were selected at Mumena A’ Secondary School have refused to take their children there fearing that they will fail at Grade 12.

And Kalumbila District Education Board Secretary Mutinta Mubanga said her office is in receipt of the report and has constituted a team to investigate what could have led to the poor performance of pupils at the school.