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Chingola Mayor to engage foreign business community

Chingola Mayor Johnson Kan’gombe has called on all foreign business community to come on board to develop the district.

Mr Kang’ombe said the district has Chinese and Indian business entities in the district whose Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not seen.

He also said that Local Contractors or Zambian contractors should also give back to the community as part of CSR.

Mr Kang’ombe said this will be supplementing Government’s effort in improving the standard of living for the people of Chingola.

He said his office will meet both the foreign and local business community to engage them so that they work together.

“We see the Indians in shops and the Chinese Nationals doing business but they don’t give Corporate -social responsibility when they are supposed to give back to the community,” he said.

The Mayor called on the Chingola Chamber of Commerce to come on board and work together with his office to enhance business opportunities for the people in the district.

Mr Kang’ombe said that in an effort to turn Chingola into a city, the projects that are been undertaken by the council needs consented efforts from all the stakeholders in the district.

He said that the few months he has been in office council has built a lot of bridges for easy access especially in rain season.

Mr Kang’mbe said his council is working on the purchase of utility vehicles and earth moving equipment to work on the feeder road and other roads.

“As a local Authority we are on top of things in turning our district into a city and improve the lives of the people in Chingola,” he said.