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Govt appoints not diverse-Kasonde

The Chapter One Foundation and The Young Women in Action has filed a complaint to the African Commission on Human and People’s rights, on the lack of diversity in appointments to the public offices in Zambia.

Chapter One Foundation Executive Director, Linda Kasonde said that out of 24 Cabinet Ministers, only four are women and no one is a youth or person living with disabilities, which is source of concern.

Speaking at a press briefing, Ms Kasonde said out of the 10 provincial Ministers there is no youth or person with disabilities.

“The lack of diversity in appointments to public offices is in breach of Zambia’s treaty obligations under the African Charter on Human’s and people’s rights and the Maputo protocol which guarantee non-discrimination of all persons, I am hopeful that the African Commission will clarify the standards of compliance required by member states,” she said.

And, Young Women in Action Executive Director, Harriet Chibuta said according to article 259 of the Constitution of Zambia, appointment of public officials must ensure fifty percent of each gender and equitable representation of youths and persons with disabilities.

MSs Chibuta has since urged President Hichilema to address this issue to enhance democracy.