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Falsehoods by PF not factual

Government says that the misinformation and falsehoods peddled by the opposition Patriotic Front on several issues regarding the economy has no facts.

Government Spokesperson and Minister of Information and Media Chushi Kasanda said Government is open to the opposition providing checks and balances, but they should do so with facts.

Ms Kasanda said that the correct position of Government on the issues raised by the opposition on Indeni, Zesco, Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani mines are not true.

She said last week a delegation of four Ministers visited Indeni Oil Refinery and informed workers of the new business model to which the workers will be part of.

Ms Kasanda said before transitioning to the new business model, all the workers will be paid their dues.

She said the deliberation of the meeting was widely disseminated in the media.
“However, it seems the opposition is still bent on misinforming the public even in the face of clear facts on the table,” he said.

Ms Kasanda said regarding the issue of ZESCO, there are no plans to sell the power utility company.
She said restructuring does not mean selling but improving operations and increasing efficiency of the power utility.

Ms Kasanda said Minister of Mines Paul Kabuswe and his team have their hands on deck concerning the Konkola Copper Mines and Mopani Copper Mines.

Ms Kasanda said Government is holding discussions with various stakeholders to come up with an amicable solution.

She said Government is keen to have these issues resolved for the benefit of all stakeholders in the mining industry.

“Government would like to urge all stakeholders in the energy and mining industries to exercise patience as it deals with these issues. Once a definite position has been arrived at, Government will inform the nation accordingly” she said.