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Mulonga water urged to work on water supply

Minister of Water Development and Sanitation Mike Mposha has called on Mulonga Water and Sanitation Company to improve on water supply in Chingola.

Mr Mposha said that the Government has placed high premier on water hence the need for the water utility company to be very proactive in putting adequate supply of clean and safe water.

Speaking when he visited Mulonga to appreciate the challenges the people are facing and the projects on the ground, the Minister said that during Covid-19 pandemic, water has a huge role to play.

Mr Mposha said one of the golden rules of Covid-19 is the washing of hands regularly as guided by the Ministry of health.

He has implored Mulonga to try and increase the hours of water supply in its areas of jurisdiction.

Mr Mposha also reiterated Government’s directive of making sure that everyone is fully vaccinated to access Government buildings.

And Mr Mphosa also sternly warned vandals, saying that vandalism will not be condoned, and perpetrators will face the wrath of the law.

He also said that vandalizing water meter boxes in the pretext of getting free water, is uncalled for and a draw back as  the water meters are very expensive.

And MWSC Acting Managing Director assured the Minister that the company will do everything possible to ensure that residents have longer periods of running water.

Mr Mposha also visited the KCM Water Reservoir and proceeded to Chililabombwe where he urged the water utility to ensure that adequate supplied to Kameza East to avoid diarrheal diseases.

Mr Mposha lastly visited Mufilira, were he commended the water utility company for putting up standard water kiosks for the people of Kawama West to fetch clean and safe water.

And Mufulira Mayor Tanaeli Kamanga said that the district has challenges when it comes to water supply from the water utility company.

Mr Kamanga called for change of mindset if the water challenges are to be addressed, noting that the UPND’s manifesto is clear on providing clean and safe water to every citizen.