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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Solwezi Council collect over K100 million in revenue

Solwezi Council collect over K100 million in revenue

The Solwezi Municipal Council has collected more than K100 million  from taxes between January to November 2021.

Speaking at a press briefing, Solwezi Town Clerk Bornwell Luanga said the council collected a total of 111,000,200 Kwacha in taxes as at November 2021.

Mr Luanga said out of the total amount K63 million was collected from the mines.

He said the council used   K8.5 million was used for the construction of Kyankwankwa road following a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the local authority and Kansanshi mine.

Mr Luanga also said K15.6 million was spent on various projects in the district.

He said the projects the municipality carried out include road projects, construction of community centres, and provision of clean water among many others. ZANIS.