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Mufurila DC assures farmers of support from her office

Mufulira District Commissioner Saboi Kabika has sympathized with farmers in Mufulira district whose maize were destroyed due to the delay of the rains.

Ms Kabika has assured them of getting support from her office once a survey is conducted to ascertain the number of famers affected in order to see the kind of help that can be rendered.

Speaking in an interview with the Independent Observer, Ms Kabika is optimistic that very few farmers have their maize destroyed a situation she described as key for Mufulira to record a bumper harvest.

“We had advised our farmers not plant earlier because we knew that the rains will take a little bit of time and those who have planted this time their crops have geminated well, but the few who planted early, we shall conduct a survey and see what we can do about it,” she said.

Ms Kabika is hopeful that Mufurila will record a bumper harvest this year following the good rainfall so far