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FQML hands over two bridges in Musele’s chiefdom

In a bid to support the communities in Kalumbila district in improving the quality of life for the people First Quantum Minerals Limited (FQML) has handed over two newly constructed bridges at Kasombo River in senior chief Musele’s chiefdom.

Kalumbila Minerals Limited Assistant General Manager Junior Keyser says FQML has reaffirmed its commitment to ensure that the local economy reap the positive economic impacts of mining.

Speaking during the handover ceremony of two bridges a berry bridge and a footbridge at Kasombo River, Mr Keyser said the mine is committed to support five major sectors which are health, education, agriculture community infrastructure and local business development.

“I wish to bring to your attention that FQM is committed to support communities in five areas which are health, education, agriculture community infrastructure and local business development,” he said.

Mr Keyser said that in 2018 the makeshift bridges that were erected by the community collapsed and paused serious risks like drowning and people being exposed to crocodiles.

“This implored as to construct a bridges that will enable the community to safely cross over and conduct their various activities to and from their areas”, he said.

Mr Keyser added that through collaboration with the community kalumbila minerals limited –KML though trident foundation has made momentous aid to improving infrastructure in the district.

He said this in a speech read for him by engineer Evans Kuzoranye.

And speaking for the community a catholic priest reverend father Bonaventure Mwamba appreciated the mine for aiding the community by constructing the bridges.

Fr Mwamba said that people’s lives were in serious danger when crossing the river which is vested with crocodiles from Kabompo River.

He added that the constructed bridges will improve economic activities in the area.

Meanwhile Kalumbila town council chairperson Shadrick Munjunga has applauded the mine for always being there for the community.

Mr Munjunga said FQML has demonstrated that they are not just in the area to do business but also to support the communities’ needs.

“We want thank first Quantum Minerals Limited for constructing a bridge at Kasombo River to enable our people to have access to the market and other facilities,” he said.

He further warned the community from vandalizing the two bridges but to take care of the infrastructure in the area.