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The Independent Observer > News > Dedication to duty is paramount in civil service

Dedication to duty is paramount in civil service

The Newly Appointed Permanente Secretary  for North Western province Gladson Wishikoti Katambi has reminded civil servants and all heads of Government departments to be committed to duty .

Speaking during his first address to all provincial heads of departments Mr Katambi said civil servants are there to offer the much needed services to he public.

He said that the public is looking up to the Government officers to deliver services .

The PS mentioned that  technocrats in the civil service should deliver the services on behalf of the president and Government to the public .

Mr Katambi, a colonel retired, aslo empathized on the need to work effectively and deliver services to the people in society.

“North Western province can only be Developed and changed by the officers working in government who are committed to duty”Mr. Katambi said.

The PS has urged all Government workers to be punctual  when reporting for duties.

“I will not tolerate officers reporting for work late because we are all drawing a salary from the work we were employed for,”he said.

Mr Katambi further added that discipline  at work is important work  are saving the people.