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Zamtel unveils Waterfalls Mall Customer Service Centre in Chongwe

By Staff Writer
Zamtel on Saturday officially opened its Customer Service Centre at Waterfalls Shopping Mall in Chongwe in its aggressive programme to take its products and services closer to the customer.

The Waterfalls Customer Service Centre opening follows the recent unveiling of another service center at Kamloops Mall in Lusaka which now brings the total number of Zamtel Customer Service Centres across the country to 42.

The opening of the Customer Service Centre at Waterfalls Mall in part of Zamtel’s aggressive retail expansion programme which has seen the communications giant boost its distribution channels, making its products and services readily available.

Zamtel has also earmarked to open around 150 mini-shops before the end of the year.

Officiating at the event, Chongwe District Commissioner Evans Lupiah commended Zamtel for its efforts in providing affordable and quality services to its customers.

Dr Lupiah said that Zamtel has now positioned itself and is competing favorably in a highly competitive market hence the need for Zambians to support the company.

He said that the New Dawn Administration is encouraging the adoption and use of digital products and platforms adding that digitalization has shown the ability to reduce costs and enhance efficiency in the delivery of services.

“As a district, Chongwe is proud to host another Zamtel outlet as it reinforces our belief that our district has grown and is attractive for investment. We wish to invite other businesses to emulate Zamtel and set up presence in Chongwe as statistics would show that more and more people are leaving the city of Lusaka to settle in outlying areas such as Chongwe. Population size has expanded in Chongwe over the years as more people have settled here hence the need for more service providers to come and set up their operations here,” he said.

And Zamtel Head of Enterprise and Sales Worried Chibuye said the company stands ready to work with the Zambian government through the Ministry of Science and Technology in partnership with other independent developers in creating local digital solutions that will address local challenges.

Mr Chibuye said Zamtel is elated by the focus on digitalization by the New Dawn government adding that digitalization has the greatest potential to accelerate Zambia’s development prospects and create jobs especially the youths.

“In line with one of our strategic focus on the customer, we will continue placing the customer at the core of what we do in all our Service Centers including the one we are opening at Waterfalls. We have so far rolled out over 80 Mini-Shops dotted across the country. The opening of the Waterfalls Customer Service center brings the total number of our Service Centers to 41, excluding the Mini-Shops,” he said.