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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Over 24,000 living with HIV in Chingola

Over 24,000 living with HIV in Chingola

By Ireen Mulenga
Chingola Senior Clinical Care Officer Chaila Siluyele says that 24,535 people are living with HIV/AIDS and are on treatment.

Mr Siluyele said the number is out of the total population of 320,000 for Chingola.

He said the HIV positivity rate is at 10 percent in the district, which he said was not a good number and it should not go beyond that.

“According to the statistics, the district is supposed to have 30,000 people on treatment only few people are coming to do the testing and seeking HIV treatment,” he said.

Mr Siluyele was speaking yesterday during the commemoration of World AIDS day which was celebrated under theme: End Inequaities. End AIDS. End pandemics.

He also said the district is at 100 percent in-terms of linking those who are HIV positive and 95 percent to those who are on treatment.

Mr Siluyele said that Chingola district remains regular to provision of equitable services to mitigate the pandemics.

He said in all the 26 offices of the district, they are committed to provide HIV testing, Mother to child transmission (MTCT), giving pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the people exposed to the virus as well as educating adolescent on the dangers of HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Mr Siluyele called on every one to come on board in the fight against HIV and AIDS so that they can end the pandemics by 2030.