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Police assaulted whilst on duty

Police in Shiwangandu have charged and arrested a man who assaulted a Police officer whilst on duty.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said it is alleged that the accused Nicholas Malama of unknown age assaulted the victim  Webster Shamulonga 44 of  Matumbo Police Camp whilst he was apprehending him in the company of other police officers on November 24, 2021 at around 18:20 hours.

Mr Hamoonga said the accused person head butted the officer on the face in order to avoid being apprehended and sustained a swollen lower lip.

He said brief facts of the matter are that the complainant whilst in the company of other officers had gone for duties at Matumbo Town Center to maintain Law and Order as the Opposition Patriotic Front Party supporters were celebrating the petition victory of their Member of Parliament.

Mr Hamoonga said as a result the accused person started inciting other persons to cause confusion which prompted Police officers to stop them.

“Later on police warned and advised the accused person to move away but he refused and continued causing confusion hence police apprehended him.The suspect is in police custody and will appear in Court soon,” he said.