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Chingola district board happy with the Covid-19 response over the Jab

Chingola District Health Director Davies Mwewa says that he is happy with the way people are responding to Covid-19 vaccine in the district.

Dr Mwewa said that since the re-launch of the vaccine which saw the involvement the Civic leaders in the district, the response are overwhelming compared to when they started.

He said though the district is below 20 percent, the number is encouraging especially in the last two weeks.

“We not have not reached the target number of people in the district, but we happy that people are coming to get the vaccinations,” he said.

Dr Mwewa has called on the people in the district to ignore the myths about the vaccine and get the jab to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

He said the vaccine is safe and so far the district has not recorded any death as a result of the vaccine.

Dr Mwewa has urged the people in the district and the Nation at large to continue adhering to Covid-19 guidelines to limit the spread of the pandemic and also to protect themselves from the anticipated fourth wave that is coming.

Chingola district through the Ministry of Health last month on October 29, re-launched the Covid-19 campaign which was launched under the theme  (Roll up your sleeves fight Covid-19 and get the vaccine).