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Kenya’s killer Governor may face double murder charges

KENYA’S Migori County Governor Okoth Obado is likely to face two murder charges.

This is after the Director of Public Prosecutions hinted that he might charge Obado with the murder of Sharon’s foetus.

Obado’s troubles have been worsening daily since Justice Jessie Lessit of Milimani Law Court declined to grant his plea for bail.

State Prosecutor Alexander Muteti told the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) will make a request to amend the indictment at the right time to include the murder of the unborn baby.

According to the Prosecutor, the constitution stipulates that life starts at conception and the state cannot overlook the fact that a second person was killed during the brutal murder of the expectant mother.

“We are not only talking about Sharon, but also her unborn baby and when the right time comes, we shall amend the indictment to include the murder of the unborn baby,” he said.

Sharon’s baby was buried according to cultural and traditional ways of the Luo community in Homa Bay county.

This is in a matter in which Obado is charged with murder of his girlfriend Sharon Otieno, who was a university student at Ringo University.

Obado is accused of murdering his girlfriend Sharon after she became pregnant of him.

He has admitted of having the relationship with Sharon and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test confirms that the child was for Obado.

On September 3, alongside a Nation Media Group journalist Barrack Oduor, Sharon was abducted in Rongo town and was later found dead in Kodera forest in Homa Bay County.

The Nation journalist Oduor escaped by jumping out of a speeding car.

Obado waits for Justice Jessie Lessit to make a ruling on his bail application tomorrow September 27, 2018.

Meanwhile his woes are worsening because Kenyan Government has frozen all his bank accounts.

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