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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Councils have capacity to manage CDF-Chipangali Mayor 

Councils have capacity to manage CDF-Chipangali Mayor 

Chipangali Council Chairperson Maxson Nkhoma says that the allegations that Local Authorities have no capacity to manage the increased amount of Constituency Development Fund are a misplaced and ill conceived.

Mr Nkhoma said the ongoing debate about the increased amount for CDF from K1.6 million to K25.7 million to be given to Local Authorities should not be politicized by political stakeholders.

He said the move should be supported by every well-meaning Zambian.

Mr Nkhoma said it is shocking that seasoned politicians who have previously held various political portfolios are the ones championing calls that Local Authorities have no capacity to manage the funds.

He said Local Authorities nationwide have well-built capacity to manage public funds in an accountable and most effective manner to enhance quality service delivery.

Mr Nkhoma said the Local Authorities have various departments of highly trained personnel with competence in managing public resources.

He said the Public Finance management Act of 2019 mandates Local Authorities to adhere to the public finance management system and provides every local Authority with department of internal Audit which conducts routine audits on financial usage.

“I urge my fellow politicians to take time and learn more on the structures of decentralization as contained in the 2016 amended constitution go fully comprehend the need for fiscal decentralization and know which government departments have been devolved to the Local Authorities,” he said.