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Kambwili right person for PF Presidency-Mulongoti

Patriotic Front Copperbelt Provincial Mobilization Deputy Media Director Macdonald Mulongoti says that PF is likely to bounce back in 2026 especially if it is led by a populist leader like Chishimba Kambwili.

Mr Mulongoti said that Kambwili’s speech charisma and forceful approach towards work earns him a resounding political advantage.

He said that Dr Kambwili is still regarded as Sata’s replica as he always demands immediate solutions to problems.

Mr Mulongoti said that for genuine rebranding ought to start with such an insightful decision.

“If you recall, in April, 2019 during the Roan Parliamentary by-election, the Kambwili – led National Democratic Congress (NDC) despite being a fledgling party beat then ruling PF, Joseph Chishala’s victory was wholly ascribed to Kambwili because he had done a lot in that constituency,” he said.

And Mr Mulongoti said that it is naïve and a myth to suggest that a political party cannot form government again once it loses power as this is just an illusion enveloped in sheer despair.

“For argument sake Sylvia Masebo, Felix Mutati both served under MMD and PF and now serving ministers in the UPND government as well. Just like Finance Minister Dr Musokotwane and Vice President Mutale Nalumango who also held ministerial positions in the MMD government as Finance minister and Deputy Minister of Information/Deputy Speaker respectively,” he said.

He said that if individuals can bounce back, what can stop a political party from doing the same, noting that history can be rewritten through being objective enough.

“In my view, those victories in the Kaumbwe parliamentary and council chairperson by – elections in Eastern Province only two months after the last general election show that the PF is still popular and had nothing to do with the alleged PF’s ethnic marginalization message but a mere afterthought,” he said.

Mr Mulongoti who is also Chingola former Mayor, confidently said that if more by -elections were to be held now say on the Copperbelt Province, the PF would scoop most of them.

He said that this because what people see is not in tandem with their expectations according to the UPND campaign promises.

“PF lost because party cadres portrayed discredited behavior towards almost everyone causing people to live in fear,” he said.