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Home Academy for special needs opened in Chingola

Home academy a school for children with special needs has been opened in Chingola to help children with learning disability attain an education.

And the School Director Phideline Mulenga said that she believes children with a learning disability are unique and have a potential to become something in life.

Ms Mulenga said a child with special needs love and attention to realize that they are also special like other children.

She said her passion for children with special needs comes way back as she experienced the difficult of raising her brother with a special need who is now a teacher.

And Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe who graced the launch of the Home Academy said the vision of supporting children with special needs can be achieved by holding hands together.

Mr Kang’ombe said that there is need to increase literacy levels in the children with special needs by offering both nursery and primary Education.

He said he was aware that Home Academy is a nonprofit organisation and carrying out this as a pilot project of taking care of the needs of the children with learning disabilities in Chingola.

Mr Kang’ombe said the project should trigger other districts to do the same so that the vision to provide quality education to these children especially those from disadvantaged homes continues to complement Government efforts.

The Mayor thanked the overseers of the project and other supporters like Lubambe Copper Mines for the gesture to give a convenient environment for the children.

And Getrude Mwansa one of the parents said it a difficult task to raise a child with a special needs as they need attention and it is expensive to take them to school.

And the launch was attended by Chingola Standard Officer Mr Joshua Kunda, The School Board Chairperson Bishop Ellison Bwalya and representatives from Lubambe and parents.

The Home Academy is launched with the aim to expand into a weekly boarding in a short term and fully fledged Boarding in a Long term.

They also wish to offer other services like Physical therapy and other services to the children.