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Marketeers encouraged to maintain cleanliness

Chingola Municipal Council has embarked on sensitization program to sensitize Traders on proper waste management.

The Health Education Officers under the department of Public Health yesterday visited some markets in the Medium Business Area (MBA).

And CMC Public Relations Officer Believe Chisanga said that the Local Authority commenced the exercise to alert marketeers on the need to maintain a clean environment.

Ms Chisanga said that the traders were advised keep their surroundings clean to avoid the outbreaks of diarrheal diseases.

He said the Health Officers were impressed with the cleanliness at Kasompe and Mimbula trading places.

Ms Chisanga said that the Council through the department of Public Health has since implored traders at other markets to emulate the two and progressively clean their trading spaces.

And, the Public Health Officers stressed that having unkempt trading surroundings increases health risks for the traders especially this period of the rainy season.