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Police fires fresh shots ahead of polls

The Zambia Police has warned all political players that it is ready to deal with law breakers in the forthcoming delayed elections.

The police officers who appeared inept under PF seem to have fresh lease of life under Lemmy Kajoba and want to prove a point that a political cadres cannot be superior to a trained police officer.

Speaking in a media statement, Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said in view of the forthcoming Parliamentary, local and Council Chairperson By-elections slated for tomorrow Wednesday October 21, 2021, police will not tolerate lawlessness.

“We wish to advise all Political players to adhere to Electoral Code of conduct. We wish to remind all political parties that they should restrain from engaging in violent activities in the name of politics as we are not going to spare anyone that would want to ignore the provisions of the law.

“It is the duty and responsibility of every individual to see to it that peace prevails at all times. We would like to warn all those that would want to cause confusion that we are not going to tolerate them but ensure that they are arrested and prosecuted according to the law,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said police have the mandate of maintaining law and order in the country thereby ensuring that all people irrespective of their political affiliation are protected and that all their activities are conducted in a peaceful environment without any intimidation from any quota.

“We are appealing to the electorates to go and exercise their constitutional mandate of electing their preferred candidates. The Police will be at hand to ensure that they do so without any disturbance from anyone,” he said.

The elections will be held in Petauke Kaumbwe Constituency, Mwansabombwe, Chisamba, Masaiti, Mushidano, Pemba and Chisamba.