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Nakachinda bemoans the violent attack on PF

The opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Chairperson for Information and Publicity Committee Raphael Nakacinda has bemoaned the violent attack exhibited by suspected UPND cadres who ambushed PF vice President and his entourage in Kaubwe, Petauke district of Eastern Province.

Mr Nakacinda who is also Member of the Central Committee-MCC- said that Mr Lubinda’s car was smashed shortly after he appeared on PASME radio station along with PF Kaumbwe parliamentary candidate Dr Aaron Mwanza and Lusangazi council chairperson candidate Patrick Banda.

“The incident happened immediately after leaving the radio station, a gunshot was heard followed by countless stones which were thrown at a vehicle carrying Mr Lubinda from suspected UPND cadres who were hiding in grass thatched fences leaving the windows shuttered,” he said.

Mr Nakacinda has wondered why the police have failed to perpetrators who allegedly seen driving UPND vehicles.

But when Contacted UPND Alliance Media Director Thabo Kawana said the assertion made by PF assertions made by the PF as false.

Mr Kawana said the fighting taking place in Kaumbwe constituency is only among opposition political parties.

He said that there is nothing special about PF and other opposition political parties that can prompt the ruling party involve themselves in cheap issues with no benefits to the Zambian people.