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The Independent Observer > Sports > Judge us on the performance of all national teams, not just Chipolopolo – FAZ Veep

Judge us on the performance of all national teams, not just Chipolopolo – FAZ Veep

Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) vice President, Justin Mumba has responded to a letter by FAZ Life Member Mwansa Mbulakulima asking FAZ President Andrew Kamanga to step down.

The former FAZ Executive Committee member has asked Kamanga to resign following the Chipolopolo Boys’ poor showing in the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

Mbulakulima said Kamanga should resign based on the performance of the Zambia Men’s National Team in the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

Mumba has found it strange that Mbulakulima has singled out Kamanga out of a 13 member Committee.

“The FAZ executive committee finds it strange that Mbulakulima singled out Mr. Kamanga in a 13-member executive committee on the performance of the Chipolopolo when the problems are multi-faceted.

FAZ manages five men’s national teams (U15, U17, U20, U23, and Chipolopolo while they additionally manage three women’s national teams (U17, U20, and Copper Queens. The normal scorecard of judging the executive should be on the performance of all the national teams,” he said.

The claims that Kamanga has been fighting to block people to challenge him is fallacious as all the changes to the FAZ constitution were FIFA directed.”

Mumba believes it is unfair to judge FAZ based on the Copper Bullets’ performance alone.

“We continue operating on an open-door policy basis and invite all those who have ideas to improve the performance of our national teams to come on board and contribute to the development of the game.”

Mbulakulima in his letter dated October, 12, 2021 asked Kananga to resign following failure by the senior Men’s national team to qualify for 3 consecutive AFCON tournaments.