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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Kanchibiya MP worries, farmers won’t manage next farming season

Kanchibiya MP worries, farmers won’t manage next farming season


Kanchibiya Constituency Member of Parliament Sunday Chanda has expressed concern that farmers in his Constituency have been staying at Food Reserve Agency (FRA) depots since August 2021 waiting to be supplied with empty grain bags for their maize.

Speaking when he visited  Tazara Corridor Resettlement Scheme, Mung’ang’a FRA depot, Mr Chanda said it was  sad to see the maize grain going to waste as sacks that were initially used were damaged.

Mr Chanda has assured the farmers that their plight had been brought to the attention of Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and the Vice President in Parliament.

“Government through the Vice President and Minister of Agriculture have assured that empty grain bags are coming and that your maize at FRA depots will be bought. I am also aware that there is still more maize in your homes and we will ask Government to help with finding market for your produce. No single grain must be allowed to go to waste,” he said.

And Mr Chanda also expressed concern with the late payment of farmers that have already supplied their produce to FRA.

He said that they should be paid in order for them to start preparing for the next farming season on time.

Meanwhile the Kanchibiya Lawmaker has stressed the importance of improving agricultural services in the constituency in order for the people to venture into different forms of farming.

He also said that he would ensure that the completed livestock service centre in the area is commissioned as a way of encouraging more farmers to venture into livestock farming.

He said that livestock farming is important and that he would find means of supporting the community with 50 litres of dip at a cost of K15,000 as start up for the project.