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CTPD calls on Govt to be consultative on economic reforms


The Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) calls on Government through the Ministry of Finance to consider building local consensus on the key economic reforms it plans to institute.

CTPD Executive Director Isaac Mwaipopo said Government should do so as they are engaging cooperating partners for technical or financial support.

Mr Mwaipopo said this is critical in getting the ‘buy in’ of the citizens, now that the elections have past.

He said it will be critical for the new administration to take a more consultative approach in their work as some of the policy promises they made might need adjustments for them to deliver inclusive development.

Mr Mwaipopo said the recently published update from the Ministry of Finance indicated that they held consultation meetings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and that the Ministry accorded the IMF team an opportunity to share their views on the 2022 National Budget and priority economic reforms outlined in the 2022-2024 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework.

He said as valuable as these discussions have been, CTPD thinks that Government should prioritize building consensus with its people on all key economic policy reforms.

Mr Mwaipopo said CTPD urges Government to avoid giving premature statements on the state of public debt.

He said there is need for Government to have one consolidated position informed by facts obtaining, as this is key to finding solutions to the debt crisis.

As CTPD, we reiterate our call for Government to fulfil its promises in revamping the economy and improving the standards of living for the people of Zambia as suggested in the ruling party’s campaigns. Even as they engage with stakeholders such as the IMF, they should not overlook the needs and rights of the Zambian people to be part of the consultative process,” he said.