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Govt open borders for export of Maize

Government says that it will allow the export of over 1 million metric tons of maize following a record 4,461,188 metic tons of the maize bumper harvest in the 2020/2021 crop marketing season.

And Agriculture Minister Reuben Phiri said Government will also allow the monthly export of 20,000 metric tons of soya and cotton cake by through the Crushers of Edible Oils Association.

Mr Phiri said Government through his Ministry has allowed the export of 1,177,500 metric tons of maize to neighboring markets.

He said the country is currently food secure as there is sufficient maize stock held by the Zambia National Farmers Union and Grain Traders Association of Zambia totaling to 1,497,532 metic tons of maize held.

Mr Phiri who is Chipata Central Member of Parliament said this excludes maize yet to be bought by the Food Reserve Agency FRA.

He said in view of the country’s huge maize stock, Government saw it imperative to expand sales of the commodity through export in order to stimulate private sector participation and also stimulate alternative markets for farmers and grain Traders.

Meanwhile, Hon Phiri said 15,000 metric tons of maize and wheat bran has been allowed for export by the Stock Feed Importers and Exporters Association of Zambia while 20,000 metric tons of soyabeans will be exported by the grain traders.

He said going forward, Government will continue to monitor the country’s food security which will inform decision making in the future.