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The Independent Observer > Headlines > We need syllabus reorientation to inspires girls in Science and Technology – Mutati

We need syllabus reorientation to inspires girls in Science and Technology – Mutati

Government says that they is need to have a syllabus re-orientation, to inspires a girl child in the fields of science, technology and innovation as part of the critical mass.

Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati said there is also need to create a permanent platform of engagement to take forward the many ideas and innovation amongst the youths.

Mr Mutati said this would also be a tool for exposure to the private sector, cooperating partners and linkage to other platforms.

“We need a whole syllabus reorientation that inspires a girl child that they too can do it. We need a critical mass to make things happen. We need to take practical action even if it is just a small stem but let’s begin to walk. We don’t want the routine way of teaching mathematics and engineering but we need to pace up with technology,” he said.

He said the girls are part of the critical mass with courage and ambition to make a difference and therefore need to be given the opportunity to create solutions through science and innovation.

Mr Mutati was speaking when he launched the Zambia National STEM Foundation which he described as a platform that will transform the landscape of scientific discoveries and innovation not only in Zambia but Africa and globally.

He also acknowledged that the challenge known amongst innovative youths is investment in equipment as an inhibiting factor for them to realize their ideas which would create solutions for mobile operators and banks among others.

The Minister said the pooling of resources in a technology hub incubator such as the Zambia National STEM Foundation would address the challenge and allow youths try out their innovation.

And Mr Mutati said urged the innovative youths to adequately use government without hesitation as a link to the private sector, cooperating partners to take their innovation to the market because there cannot be any better linkage than the government.