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Solwezi Mayor installed

Solwezi Mayor Remmy Kalepa has been installed together with his Deputy Mayor Alex Pupe at a colourful ceremony held within the civic centre yesterday.

The Minister of Labour and Social Security Brenda Tambatamba graced the occasion with a call on all Civic Leaders to operate within the confines of the law in line with the Republican President’s resolve that his administration will be based on the Rule of Law.

Ms Tambatamba said that Government is in a hurry to develop and improve the lives of the people hence the need for concerted efforts from all public officers in ensuring that quality services are provided.

She reaffirmed that Government’s commitment to ensuring that the Decentralization Policy continues to be implemented so that community members have a voice in determining priority development needs in order to bring a sense of belonging among them towards projects implemented in their areas.

Ms Tambatamba also reminded the Civic Leaders on the need to distinguish their roles as Policy Makers and those of Council Management to run the day to day operations of the Council through implementation of decisions made.

And Kalumbila West Member of Parliament Nicholas Mukumbi who attended the installation ceremony to officially exit his portfolio as Solwezi Mayor urged the new Mayor to listen to the people of Solwezi, engage them and together chat the way forward in bringing the much needed development to the district.

Mr Mukumbi also challenged his successor to provide guidance to the municipality and make policies that will entail long term development of the district.

And the Mayor committed himself to engage the community members to deal with the challenges and opportunities in Solwezi district.

This is contained in a statmi issued by Esther Chirwa Assistant Public Relations Manager.