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Media silence on sexual reproductive health worrying

Media Network on Child rights and Development (MNCRD) has called on the media in the country to increase coverage of Sexual Reproductive Health topics related to child issues.

Speaking during a media training workshop aimed at raising awareness on sexual reproductive health in Kitwe yesterday, MNCRD Executive Director Henry Kabwe said sexual reproductive health in children has not been priotised by the media.

Mr Kabwe said the media needs to provide a platform for citizens to engage in various issues among them, reproductive health.

He said statistics show that the media in the country is only covering 15 per cent of children related issues adding that over 80 per cent of these stories are on child abuse.

“It’s unfortunate that the country has introduced a lot of policies on children like the introduction of sex education in the curriculum but has not actualised them. Our organization has not seen much of sex education in schools.

“We are calling on Government to prepare and equip teachers with the necessary skills on sexual reproductive health. It is difficult for parents to talk about sex to the children this is why it is important for government to prepare teachers and orient them on the topic. This will make it easier for them apply the knowledge to the learners,” he said.

Meanwhile Mr Kabwe said statistics 2015 indicating that 24,000 girls fell pregnant in that year makes sad reading.

He said there is need for local authorities to bring order to some areas where have access to alcohol.

He said alcohol is one if the drivers making children pregnant at an early stage adding that when children get drunk the decision to use a condom is comprised.

Mr Kabwe said councils should stiffen and enforce laws around access to some of the areas where beer is sold.

“Access to alcohol is being controlled in the country. There is no order when it comes to selling alcohol, most of the people selling alcohol is not licensed making it easier for children access beer,” he said.

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