Nchanga Member of Parliament Derricky Chilundika yesterday visited his constituency to appreciate the challenges and also to see what needs to be done.

The MP visited Luano/Kapisha Mini Hospital to appreciate the Challenges the mini Hospital is facing, he inspected the Roads which has so far being graded in Luano and Kapisha wards.

Mr Chilundika said who is also Luapula Province Minister toured Chilemba Market the Biggest Market is the constituency.

He assured the marketeers that Government will work with them and emphasized that no cader should have control in the markets.

Mr Chilundika said that Government will also come up with loan scheme that will benefits marketeers.

He was accompanied by Chingola Manuncipal Town Clerk Kabombo Mutakela and Chingola acting District Commissioner Mr Makasa.

Mr Chiludika commended Chingola Town Clerk for quickly responding to the concerns he raised over the status of the roads in Soweto and also asked the TC to make sure that a contractor to work on the Kipisha cemetery Rd Bridge quickly mobilized to start work on the Bridge.

The MP also visited Mulenga Police station which is currently facing Transport Challenges as they only have one Vehicle to cater for the whole constituency.

Mr Chilundika said that the police station need a facelift and called on stakeholder to come on board and leader the support needed for this noble call.

He praised the professionalism the officers from Mulenga Police exhibited during the general election as they did not take sides and encouraged the officer incharge to continue discharging their duties professionally.