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The Independent Observer > News > Govt should give concrete position on presidential jet

Govt should give concrete position on presidential jet

By Staff writer
Rainbow Party says that it is surprised and disappointed with UPND National Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa for the contradictory statement over the sale of the presidential jet.

Rainbow Party National Spokesperson Humphrey Kabwe said in the morning Mr Mweetwa said that the UPND Government will not sale the presidential jet because it belongs to the Zambia Army and in the afternoon he says Government  will sale the jet after consultation with cabinet Ministers and other Government wings.

Mr Kabwe said his party has urged UPND Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa to stop speaking on behalf Government because he is not a Government Spokesperson.

He said the Minister of information who is Government Spokesperson speak on behalf Government.

Mr Kabwe said the contradictory statement coming from the UPND Spokesperson Mr Mweetwa has a result of excitement and inexperience as far as governing the Government Affairs.

“We advice to UPND Spokesperson is that he should slow down and let govt Affairs be handled by responsible govt wings. Let him stay within his lane so that he can avoid to embarrass the Government,” he said .