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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Formulate policies that will enable teachers’ work professionally-NAQEZ

Formulate policies that will enable teachers’ work professionally-NAQEZ

The National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) Aaron Chansa has called on the government to come up with policies that will enable teachers’ execute their duties professionally.

Mr Chansa has bemoaned the poor services teachers have been subjected to in the country since 202

“First of all we are disappointed to note that more than 3000 teachers have not been put on pay roll, this means that the teaching service commission is ineffective, it is not working well to motivate the teacher in the country,” he said

He said Government through Minister of Education should also put a lot of mechanism and strategies to make sure that the teaching service is effective.

Mr Chansa attributed poor services especially those in rural areas as the reason why some teachers are failing to execute their duties effectively.

He said teachers should be given what have been promised in order to be motivated.

Mr Chansa has appealed to Government through the Minister of education to improve the conditions of services for teachers such as poor accommodation especially in rural areas and also upgrade teachers and confirm those who have been acting.