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Mulonga water told to improve on water supply

Mulonga Water supply and Sanitation Company limited has been urged to step up their water supply in Chingola and Mufulira districts respectively.

This was after Members of Parliament from Chingola; Chililabobwe and Mufulira constituencies on the Copperbelt province visited the company’s head office in Chingola.

And Chingola Member of Parliament Chipoka Mulenga said it was unacceptable that even after being funded by Government and its cooperating partners; the water utility company is still having challenges to supply the commodity to its clients in some places like Kabungo and Gibson Chifwembwe ward.

Mr Chipoka Mulenga said that some wards in his constituency have had no water supply for a long time a situation which is uncalled for.

“We are doing this for our employers who are the electorates, water is essential, in some areas, it is not only erratic water supply but also blocked sewer pipes, let us see how we work together to ensure that residents have water, because the UPND government is about putting people’s need first,” he said.

And Nchanga Member of Parliament, Derrick Chilundika said he does not want to hear about the theory of how water will be improved but wants to see practical ways in which water will be running on people’s taps.

“Your billing systems have continued to bill residents in Nchanga constituency even without them having running water, they have resorted to fetching water which is unacceptable, as a constituency in an urban area, fetching water should not be happening on daily basis,” he said.

Mr Chilundika appealed for water bowers to highly affected areas such as Kamba in Nsansa ward.

He also urged the water utility company to provide a schedule for supply of portable water to the residents so that people have clean and safe water to use and drink.

Meanwhile, Kankoyo Member of Parliament Heartson Mabeta also appealed to the utility company to give service to the people.

Mr Mabeta encouraged the water utility company to ask for help if need arises and always ensure that they engage the Members of Parliament in areas they operate so that issues of erratic water supply is dealt with amicably.

In response Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited Acting Managing Director Ndila Hamalambo said the funding that the company receives comes in phases but that they will work at ensuring that water supply improves.

Mr Hamalambo also urged the Members of Parliament to be practical and understand that the water utility company is working tirelessly to ensure that their clients have clean and safe water.

He assured that a schedule for the supply of portable water will be made available to the Members of Parliament as soon as possible.