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The Independent Observer > Headlines > MPNVP gives kudos to retired Service Chiefs

MPNVP gives kudos to retired Service Chiefs

Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles (MPNVP) has congratulated all the retired officers who have been relieved of their duties.

The Organizations Chairperson Joseck Kunda said men and women who have tirelessly rendered undivided services and duties need to be remembered and celebrated.

Mr Kunda said his organization is taking the lead in appreciating not only the values in a theatrical sense but individuals who championed them as well.

He said the organization dismisses the wrong terminologies being used for the icons and gallants of the motherland with impunity.

Mr Kunda said It is not true that the Service Chiefs and all Police Commissioners are fired or dismissed those are not the right terminologies to use.

He said that the word fired is only used for an officer or individuals who have violated, breached and abrogated the stated statutes.

Mr Kunda said the Movement is moved and touched by the irrational, belittling and sentiments being uttered by the general public after learning about the retirements of the Service Chiefs and Police Commissioners throughout the Country.

“We need to graduate from a society that is disrespectful and aggressive towards our dignified personnel in the Country.

He has urged all the citizens to denounce the defamatory behavior and conduct that is bent at discrediting and disrespecting the men and women who rendered undivided services for the Nation.