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Zambians to take hope in the inauguration speech

The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) says Many Zambians will take hope from the positive and reassuring inauguration speech that gave a broad framework on the various issues that the administration intends to tackle.

SACCORD Executive Director Boniface Cheembe said his organization’s particular interest was the focus on conflict management and resolution.

Mr Cheembe said SACCORD also receives the commitment to end caderism with hopefulness as this phenomenon has contributed to lack of adequate safety and security for most citizens.

He said that the administration should identify better and peaceful productive activities to engage these cadres so that they do not resort to other activities that may bring about a different form of insecurity.

“It is the hope of SACCORD that the country in the new administration through this broader framework will see profound investment in peacebuilding an area that has been neglected for a very long time hence contributing to reduced levels of peacefulness,” he said.

Mr Cheembe has commended the 6th Republican President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu who respected Zambia’s democratic pedigree by conceding defeat and allowing the peaceful transfer of power.

He said president Lungu run his race and contributed to Zambia’s development with both successes and failures, and it is now incumbent upon the 7th President to pick up the development process from where it has been left.

Mr Cheembe said the expectation in the new administration is not only on the part of Zambian citizens residing domestically and, in the diaspora, but also on the part of the international community.