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The Independent Observer > Headlines > I will stick to my promises-Kasompe Councillor Elect Martin Lombe

I will stick to my promises-Kasompe Councillor Elect Martin Lombe

PF Kasompe ward Councillor elect Martin Lombe says that he will stick to his campaign promises and develop Kasompe.

Mr Lombe said Kasompe ward requires a leader of his caliber who understands the challenges of the people and able to listen to their needs.

He said that the challenges in his ward  will be tackled.

Mr Lombe said and those challenges can only be tackled by a person who stays within the community of Kasompe like him.

Mr Lombe said that the area has expanded hence he will lobby for a police post to beef up security in the area.

He has thanked the people of Kasompe for trusting him to lead them and he has said they will never regret it.

“I promise to always represent my people in the chamber and ensure that progress is made in their lives. I know Kasompe in and out and since I have been given the power things in Kasompe will never be the same,” he said.