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Mumba retains his seat


Former Kantanshi member of Parliament, Anthony Mumba has retained his seat in Mufulira after the August 12, 2021 general elections.

Mr Mumba polled 14,539 against his rival Mukwenya Ng’andu of the UPND who got 6,622.

Returning Officer Hunt Banda announced him the winner at exactly 03:00hrs.

Speaking in an interview with him shortly after the announcement, Mr Mumba said that he has retained the seat because of his commitment and what he has done for the people of Kantanshi.

“ I would like to thank the people of Kantanshi for making it possible for me and the PF for allowing me to stand on their ticket. This now show that we a lot of work ahead of us,” he said.

Mr Mumba urged his fellow candidates and the international community to accept the results coming out.

“ it is not right to dispute the results just because the numbers coming out is not fovouring us,” he said.

He called on the Zambian people to remain committed as the country through the all electoral process.