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Well informed electorate vote wisely-MVS

Movement for Voter Sensitization (MVS) in Chingola says that they can never be voter apathy when people are well informed.

MVS Chingola Patrons Agnes Tonga said that the movement was formed to avoid voter apathy through sensitizing the people in the communities to vote.

She said that the Church and other stakeholders are involved in the group so that they sensitize the communities they are coming from.

Ms Tonga said that those who have come into the movement with political agendas should not join because it is a non-governmental organization.

She said the movement was founded to sensitize people and it is there to stay not that the elections are near but because Zambia goes to polls every.

Ms Tonga said that Zambia as a Christian Nation needs to uphold it Christian and National values and principals even as the country goes to the poll.

She said voting is one of the national value that hence the formation of MVS so that people are well sensitized and have the knowledge on the importance of voting.

Ms Tonga said that people will shun voting if they have less information on why they should vote leaders in power.

“People should participate in democracy through voting for leaders of their choice but if they don’t vote then they should not complain about leaders because MVS believes that every vote counts,” she said.

And MVS Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson Noah Simulunga said that the organization is they to promote peace, love and unity.

Mr Simulunga said people need to be informed in order for them to make an informed decision because information is power that is why it aim is to sensitize the electorate to take party in the elections.

He said that a lot of people registered to vote but when it comes to voting only a few turn out.

“When people come in numbers to vote then a leader chosen will be the leader the majority people want,” he said.