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Ensure all your voting tools are in place-Phiri

United Party for National Development (UPND) candidate for Kwacha ward Chingola, Mimosa Phiri has urged the electorates to put the National Registration Cards (NRC’s) and voter’s cards in place ahead of the Thursday general elections.

Mr Phiri said that electorates should ensure that they put everything place to avoid inconveniences at the last minute.

He said electorates should also not shun away from casting their votes on Thursday because it is their rights to do so and chose leaders of their choice.

“I would like to urge the electorates across the country to look for where they have kept their NRC’s and the voters card and make sure that they put them where they can be accessible to avoid inconveniences on the last day,” he said.

Mr Phiri has also called on the electorates and the Zambian people at large to maintain peace as they cast their votes.

He added elections come and go but it’s important that people maintain peace and personal relationships especially in the community.

“Women are reminded to remove their artificial and painted nails to avoid being inconvenienced on Thursday, if you are sent away to remove the nails and failed to vote, it means wastage of ballot papers, time, money and energy,” he said.

Mr Phiri has called on the residents of Kwacha ward to vote for him and the party President Hakainde Hichilema for Zambia to move forward.

He has also urged electorates to turn out in numbers to go and cast their votes on Thursday.

Zambia is set to vote in the local government, parliamentary and presidential general elections slated for August 12, 2021.