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The Independent Observer > Business > We are sorry-Mulonga water

We are sorry-Mulonga water

Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company Managing Director Kanyembo Ndhlovu has apologized to the community of Nchanga North Township which has been hit by water blues.

This was after a group of women from Nchanga North had stormed Mulonga Water Head offices at Musonko House in Chingola to besiege Mulonga Water management over the water blues.

Mr Ndhlovu pleaded with the women to bear with Mulonga Water because the problem affecting the area has been compound.

“Accept our sincere apologies on the inadequate communications to our esteemed customers regarding the poor water supply situation in Nchanga North and some parts of Kabundi and Mupaka Drive areas. During the last four to five days, we had several challenges which sadly hit us one after another.

“These included the deepening of three water lines to allow for the new road construction near Mulenga Police Camp and reduced raw water availability to run our treatment plant. In fact, raw water availability continues to be our constant headache. Resolving this matter as indicated earlier is a priority for the company but requires huge investment. The good news is that resources for this have already been secured but the works will only be completed in 2020/21,” he said.

He said in the meantime the water utility firm will continue to engage with key stakeholders to live through this period in a manner that lessens the discomfort of our customers.

Mr Ndhlovu assured the women that the relationship between Mulonga Water and Konkola Copper Mines the providers of raw water is cordial.

The women blamed Mulonga Water for its failure to prepare the customer for the possible water blues.

Ronica Chibuye a resident of Buyantashi said the water utility firm when it announces about water interruption, it only states of a day without indicating the water blues may last longer than expected.

“You hardly communicate when there is a problem like this one until we pop up like this that is when we get the actual details of water blues. We deserve to be informed of water interruption and how long it will last,” she said.

And resident of CPC said the Township had gone two weeks without water posing a threat to possible outbreak of diarrhea diseases.

Though James Mulenga, a customer of Muzabwera said the blues have been there for the continuous two weeks but rather intermittent.

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