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Foreign media observers counselled

Patriotic Front (PF) political and media committee spokesperson Amos Chanda has dismissed reports from some sections of foreign saying that the ruling party has created a hostile campaign environment for the opposition UPND in this year’s election.

Mr Chanda said that the PF have no electoral powers to deny any political party from campaigning as reported in some foreign sections of the media.

He said that foreign media reporters in the country should always be objective balancing up their findings and stories from ruling party to avoid misinformation.

“All media firms who are in the country for election reporting are free to access information from the PF Secretary General, PF Media team and spokespersons to balance their reporting, reports that the foreign media have no access to information from the ruling PF are false and should not be entertained,” he said.

Mr Chanda said the PF has been open to all media organisations that have requested to access to information concerning the operations of the party during campaigns.

I am confident that the PF is headed for victory in ] next week’s polls because we have campaigned effectively,  the campaign machinery that was put up by the party has clearly given confidence to the party, the country’s stable economy has also attracted a lot of electorates to support the party,” he said.

Mr Chanda said this when he addressed journalists at a press briefing in Lusaka.