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Heavy army presence across the country welcomed

Copperbelt province based human rights activist and good governance advocate Gershom Phiri has welcomed the heavy presence of the army in the 10 provinces of the country.

Mr Phiri says that the heavy Presence of the Police and the army on the Streets is a progressive move.

President Lungu had last week instructed that the army be deployed to all 10 provinces to help in maintaining peace before, during and after the August polls.

Mr Phiri urged the deployed army not intimidate and bully innocent residents as they conduct their duties.

“Some Zambians  against the move must look at the rate violence levels are being perpetuated, ending violence is a collective responsibility, no one deserve to lose their life because of Politics, the army’s presence in our streets is an advantage as it will help in lessening bad vices during this election period ” he said.

Mr Phiri adds that the soldiers will help to maintain Law and order,  as long the army is not instilling fear in the residents.

He said that the army will guarantee safety of properties and lives as well as peace after the result of the August 12 elections irrespective of who the winner will be.

“Youths must be encouraged to stay clear off political violence, we should be reminded that every Zambian has a democratic right to belong and associate with any political party, and also has the right to vote for whom they prefer, no Zambian should die because of belonging to a certain political party or supporting political leaders of choice,” he said.

Mr Phiri said that the army and the police should maintain law and order and not sabotage the laws themselves by infringing on human rights without cause.