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The Independent Observer > OS > Untimely reopening of schools inconveniencing

Untimely reopening of schools inconveniencing

GEARS Initiative Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi says the sudden reopening of schools a week before the election date is untimely, suspicious and inconveniencing to parents and teachers.

Mr Chipenzi said that this will potentially trigger worries of the health and safety of the pupils in schools before, during and post elections.

He said pupils should catch up with their academic activities but the reopening should not ignore political, electoral and economic realities ahead of and post the August General Election.

Mr Chipenzi said the Ministry of General Education must learn to consult other stakeholders than reopening schools in middle of the night.

He said that most of the teachers are heavily involved in these elections as poll staff.

Mr Chipenzi said some secondary schools in the country will be used as polling stations and totally centers and will be hive of electoral activities which makes reopening of schools before elections a mission impossible.

“Therefore, Instead of ambushing parents and teachers, it is imperative that the Ministry of General Education adjusts the new reopening dates to come after elections.

“GEARS Initiative expects government to priorities the reopening of colleges which have many of their students as registered voters at these respective colleges and support their movement to there,” he said.