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41 arrested with offensive weapons


Police in Lusaka have arrested four suspects in connection with the murder of Two Patriotic Front supporters by suspected UPND cadres.

The police have also picked up 41 people in connection with being in possession of offensive weapons after police conducted an operation last night.

Deputy Inspector General of Police, Operations Charity Katanga said Police have noted with horror, the grizzly murder of two members of the Patriotic Front by thugs believed to be United Party for National Development (UPND) cadres.

Ms Katanga says that what happened in Kanyama Compound yesterday, Friday July 30, 2021 where suspected UPND thugs are reported to have murdered two PF supporters signifies how some political parties have embraced thuggery as a way of conducting politics.

She has identified the victims as Danny Chingangu aged between 23 and 30 and Teddy other names not known aged between 20 and 30 both of unknown house numbers in Kanyama Compound belonging to the PF were gruesomely murdered after being attacked by suspected UPND cadres.

Ms Katanga said Police received a report from members of the public around 16:30 hours that two people had been killed at the Patriotic Front camp located at Kanyama ward 13 along Mbasela road within Kanyama Compound. Police rushed to the scene and dispersed the cadres and found two dead bodies of male persons.

She said that it was reported that PF party members were preparing meals and having lunch at their camp when a group of suspected UPND cadres attacked them with machetes and other sharp instruments.

Ms Katanga said the victims sustained multiple deep cuts all over their bodies and died instantly.

She has identified the 4 suspects as Francis Chabala aged 21, Samson Mumba aged 29, Namushi Chikunona (female) aged 24 and Geoffrey Chikoti age not known were arrested and detained in Police custody.

She said the Bodies of the deceased were deposited in the University Teaching Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Ms Katanga said that it is disappointing that lives of people have to be lost just because of politics. Such kind of desperation shall not be condoned.

She said this is unprecedented brutality bordering on sheer savagery and lack of respect for human life. Such criminality shall not be tolerated.

“Police shall ensure that all those that took part in these savagery killings will be brought to book” she said