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15 arrested for riotous behavior in Sioma

Police in Sioma District have arrested 15 suspected cadres for malicious Damage to Property and Riotous behavior.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said this followed counter accusations in which Patriotic Front candidate in Sioma,  Mbololwa Subulwa reported  that she was attacked by the Sioma Independent candidate, Albert Amukena and his supporters.

While Mr Amukena the independent candidate also reported that he was attacked by the Sioma Patriotic Front candidate and her supporters.

Ms Katongo said Police visited both scenes of crime and invited the two candidates who are the Independent and the Patriotic Front candidates to the police.

She said the Independent Candidate did not turn up at the police station.

Ms Katongo said when the Patriotic Front Candidate showed up at the Police Cadres for the Independent candidate and some UPND caders are alleged to have gone to the police post in numbers after blocking roads and tried to attack the PF candidate but was rescued by police.

She said the unruly caders are alleged to have later gone to the PF’s candidate’s house where they are alleged to have broken 11 window panes to her house and damaged her motor vehicle.

Ms Katongo said Police managed to apprehend 15 suspects who are in police custody for Malicious Damage to Property and Riotous behavior.

“We have not yet received any report of murder, however, police officers are on the ground trying to verify such reports and information will be given once verified. Police have sent reinforcement to the area and calm has been restored. They will remain on the ground to monitor the situation. We are appealing to politicians to show maturity and responsibility as they conduct their political activities,” he said.

She said both reports received from the complainants are being investigated by police and we urge the complainants to cooperate with the police.