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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Commodity price comparison to other countries shows incompetence- PAC

Commodity price comparison to other countries shows incompetence- PAC

People’s Alliance for Change says price comparisons amongst countries in Central and southern Africa by the Patriotic Front has exposed the level of reasoning and brains behind Zambia’s economic status.

PAC Secretary General Gerald Mulao said it is sad that this can be the only campaign message the PF has for the suffering Zambians across the 10 provinces.

Mr Mulao said It is now clear that PF has no rescue plan for the ailing economy serve for comparisons and all this exposes their incompetency to managing national affairs.

He said Mr Bizwell Mutale on Millennium Radio was blaming the hike in commodity on the opposition is indeed laughable and just shows how unserious the colleagues in the outgoing Government are.

“One clear example I would give Mr.Bizwell Mutale and our two brothers Mr Chishimba  Kambwili and Geoffrey Mwamba is that the salaries we pay our workers here in Zambia are far much less than those in the countries they are trying to Compare with and Justify Zambia’s commodity prices,” he said.

Mr Mulao said there are more opportunities for citizens to tap into for Survival than here in Zambia, here opportunities are reserved for caders whilst in South Africa opportunities are shared evenly regardless of political affiliation.

He said the GDP of South Africa is four times bigger than that of Zambia meaning there is more economic activity in SA than Zambia.