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I will empower the people with training skills -Ngosa

People’s alliance for change (PAC) parliamentary candidate for Mufurila Kantanshi constituency Chibwana Ngosa says once elected he will promote the  people with different  training skills  especially the youths.

Mr Ngosa said that Kantanshi has a vast number of challenges that needs to be addressed and it needs a youth with a vision to develop the area.

He said among the skills that he will empower the people with are carpentry, metal fabrication, catering and tailoring

“When the people vote for Chibwana,   they vote for themselves, we  want to embark on promoting skills because when we promote them, people will have something to do and they will not wait or depend on the government to employ them, they depend on themselves, he said.

Mr Ngosa also said that kantanshi being the mining area, they  will  take advantage of the Mines and win some contract that will help the youths to sustain their lives.

He said as a youthful leader he has a lot of plans for the people of Kantanshi especially the youths who are in need of employment.

Mr Ngosa said the the youths in Mufurila have involved themselves in beer drinking and being used by politicians to cause violence because they have nothing to do.

He said people should promote the Youths to be in leadership because the future lies on them and there the future leaders of tomorrow.

Mr Ngosa has urged the people of Kantanshi to have hope and secure votes for him  and the president Andyford Banda for a better Zambia.