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The Independent Observer > Headlines > It is time to have youthful leadership in Kapisha-Mutale

It is time to have youthful leadership in Kapisha-Mutale

The Democratic Party (DP) Kapisha ward candidate Geoffrey Mutale says time has come for the ward to have youthful leadership for change.

Mr Mutale says his vision is to create a good and conducive environment for the Kapisha residents.

He said that the dreams of youths in the ward have been shuttered for long, and that should come to an end once elected as area councilor.

“I want to see positive change, dreams, visions and ideas are dying because the environment is not conducive for the young people in Kapisha to flourish, once elected I will ensure that youths are represented accordingly,” he said.

Mr Mutale said the Kapisha ward needs to have a leader that will listen to the voices of development in ward to see the much needed development.

Mr Mutale said that the voices of the young people have been ignored which is should be the case as youths have ideas and visions that can enrich the country if heard.

“The ward does not have recreation centres, I will ensure that once elected we have at least one centre in ward, by so doing, we will be eradicating substance abuse and other bad vices, substance abuse has not been thoroughly addressed and is on the rise in the ward,” he said.

Mr Mutale said that youths require an environment that is friendly and welcoming for dreams to be realized.

“I have also noticed that there is lack of menstrual hygiene education in the ward, which is unfortunate, so once elected as councilor I will ensure that such issues are spoken about frequently so that equal opportunities for all is attained,” he said.