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The Independent Observer > Headlines > PF should stop selective application of Covid-19 regulations

PF should stop selective application of Covid-19 regulations

Dear Editor
I write with a sad heart to see how the government of republic of Zambia through various agencies are applying Covid-19 regulations selectively amid the heightened August 12th polls.

Electoral Commission of Zambia working with Ministry of Health and other agencies not too long ago banned political public rallies and road shows, saying they are super spreaders of Covid-19 pandemics.
This brought a lot of altercations from various stakeholders and some political players who complained that despite the ban, Patriotic Front members were vividly seen abrogating the ban, yet no punintive measures are being taken apart from populist statements from police warning the offenders, but mute to act.
As if that is not enough, President Lungu who is also a presidential candidate in the August polls over the weekend pulled large crowds when he toured Bauleni and Mtendere markets,  claiming that he was now the Ministry Of Health official sensitizing people on the Covid 19 pandemic and distributing face masks. A
What a lame and laughable excuse from Isaac Chimpampe to give to a nation of intellectuals and well informed majority youths! While this breach is being advanced ECZ is mute or blind to see, hence people questioning whether ECZ can really bite the finger that feeds it. Eye opener.
Worse is also the assurances to the marketeers that markets will not be closed, and for sure business is going on as usual with a lot of the Covid 19 health gidelines abrogation. Yet Bars and Night Clubs and Restaurants that actually inject more in the treasury are given stiff restrictions and are actually told they are not as valuable as Marketeers; going byb that assurance.
It is for a few of the above tabulated statistics that I feel government and PF has done itself a disservice for their selective application of the guidelines which will actually negate their votes come August 12th.
The restrictions of Bars, Night Clubs and Restaurants have seen most of them reduce of workforce while others have actually closed businesses since government has not helped them with stimulus solutions to keep afloat.
Wisdom Muyunda