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NGOCC commends ECZ for inclusion in ballot paper printing

The Non-Governmental Gender Organizations Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has commended the Electoral Commission of Zambia for including NGOCC as part of the Zambian delegation monitoring the printing of ballot papers for the August 12, 2021 elections.

NGOCC Executive Director Engwase Mwale said the process so far is inclusive and participatory as all the 16 participating political parties with candidates at presidential and other levels are involved in verifying and proofing all ballot papers in Lusaka,

Ms Mwale said they are actively monitoring the electoral process as part of its gender mainstreaming advocacy that aims at promoting the participation of both women and men in the development processes of the country.

She said as a key stakeholder in the electoral process, NGOCC has a critical role in ensuring that there is gender equality in the electoral process in the quest to deepen the country’s democratic credentials.

She said the printing company, Al Ghurair, looks adequately resourced to undertake the assignment according to their terms of reference.

“It is also NGOCC’s view that all political actors need to invest in the whole elections cycle by planning to observe all key electoral processes including the ballot printing.

NGOCC will continue to monitor the process until the final phase of the printing and packaging of the August 2021 General Elections ballot papers and will remain accountable to the electorates accordingly,” she said.

Other stakeholders monitoring the process include the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Zambia Police, Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), and the media. Also in attendance are two of the participating political parties, the Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND).