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ECZ cautions political parties

The Electoral Commission of Zambia is dismayed over the illegal recording of telephone conversations by some political party leaders whenever they engage Members and staff of the Commission.

The Commission has received reports of these illegal telephone recordings, some of which have been verified while others are still under investigation.

Corporate Affairs Manager Patricia Luhanga said the Commission operates an open door policy where Members and staff alike interact with various stakeholders in order to provide effective electoral services in an impartial manner.

The Electoral Code of Conduct mandates the Commission to engage political party representatives regularly and this is done through various means including the use of phones especially now that Covid-19 cases are on the increase in the country.

“Therefore, the Commission should not be given any reason to be hesitant to engage or attend to the needs of political parties through telephone conversations. Arising from this, the Commission would like to categorically state that it will not condone this vice; the public must know that the practice of illegal recording does not only breed mistrust and injure the persons involved, it is also criminal and the Commission will not hesitate to report such matters to the relevant law enforcement agencies,” she said.

Ms Luhanga has since reminded political parties that there are laws that govern the recording of telephone calls or indeed in-person conversations and these laws provide guidance on what is permissible.

This is according to statement issued by corporate affairs manager Patricia Luhanga for and on behalf of the commission’s chief electoral officer.