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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Kang’ombe to establish a trust fund once as elected MP

Kang’ombe to establish a trust fund once as elected MP

PF’s Kamfinsa constituency parliamentary candidate Christopher Kang’ombe says that   once elected MP for Kamfinsa Constituency, he plans on establishing the Kamfinsa Development Trust Fund which will supplement existing government funding for project.

Mr Kang’ombe said that the trust fund will be used to develop the constituency and will also supplement government’s efforts.

“If we are going to develop Kamfinsa, we will need to do project proposals to the corporate world under a trust fund that will have auditors and board that will be incharge of affairs, because developing Kamfinsa will not be done by government alone,” he said.

Mr Kang’ombe said private auditors for the trust fund will be appointed by the board to ensure prudent use of resources raised from the community.

“My vision for funding is private funding and government funding, private funding will help to supplement government’s efforts, this in my opinion will help us do so much such as setting up skills training centres in the constituency,” he said

Mr Kang’ombe said the Kamfinsa Trust fund will be registered and will be operational once he is elected as Member of Parliament.